Monday, May 24, 2010

Aneya: Time

Time is a funny thing. In high school, time seemed to drag by at a glacial pace. The fact that my high school in France had the longest school day in the history of the world (8:30 -5:30) didn't help. But everything just seemed so slooooow. When am I gonna leave this wretched place? When do I get to move out, be on my own, be independent, be free? When is this torturous school year finally over? And then, one day, it was. Exams were done, the pool was open, I was ready to spread my proverbial wings and fly. And that I did. All the way to California.

Once I got to La-La Land everything seemed to go by in a blink. I don't know if it's the pacing of university or being surrounded by new friends your very first day. But with a blink of an eye it's already the end of sophomore year, and you can't remember how you got there.

Traveling, of course, screws up your sense of time completely. "What day is it?" "What time is it here?" "What the hell does 19:25 mean?" Trips are never long enough, and you can't believe it's been 2 weeks already and you have to pack it in. This extended journey, on the other hand, didn't have that problem, as we had no return date. Time is a funny thing. Usually, if you're unemployed, you have no rhythm, or schedule to your everyday life. You just kind of float about, and it can make the days seem endless.

These past few months in Chile have gone by so fast, Lauren and I really can't believe it. Especially since we haven't had a steady job this whole time. But we've been on the move constantly (if you recall) traveling and meeting people, experiencing everything we can. It's been an amazing journey, one I wouldn't change for the world, I only wish we had more time. This past month of May has been the slowest, because we haven't been doing much of anything, just hanging around Santiago, trying to save our money (which is no fun at all).

But we realized that we don't want to be in trapped in our apartment, doing nothing for the rest of our time in Chile. We want to be out there, experiencing all this incredibly country has to offer. So next month (which will, sadly, be our last) we're going out with a bang! We're going to cram in as much activity in one month as humanly possible. Because when we leave this place we want to know we did as much as we could, with the resources we had.

Like I said, time is a funny thing. Sometimes I wish she'd just stop, for a moment, and let us all be.

-- Aneya

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