Saturday, January 30, 2010

Aneya: Fashion Police

When I told my friends and family that I´d be moving to Chile, they obviously had many questions, one of which was: What´s the style like down there? To which I would reply "No se!" I really had no idea. I just hoped that whatever I wore wouldn´t make me look like a fool. I tend to over dress fo every occasion, so for this trip I decided to keep my flashy Vegas clothes at home. And yes, I miss them (and my stilleto collection) already.

To answer the question, the style here isn´t very different from the States. It´s summer, so you see a lot of pretty dresses and skirts, nothing to distinctive or "Latin" Some girls rock the tight jeans and flirty tops combo, others go for tights (or the dreaded "jeggins") with an oversize shirt. In any case, the girls all look fabulous. Most men are very casually dressed in jeans and t shirts (except for that amazing Castle Party, where everyone was in button downs and slacks. Ahh, que lindo!) Older women tend to wear matchy pant suits in bright colors or Latin inspired dresses.

Then there´s this abundance of wierd gypsy pants (pictured above.) They´re like the pants the genie wears in Aladin, and they come in a rainbow of colors (the most offensive in tie die) People sell them on the streets here and Lauren and I have both noticed plenty of women rocking them (others try, but fail, and should really just put them to rest.)

Lauren and I tend to stick out, but no because of what we´re wearing. I´ve been living in my summer dreses and skirts, even though I brought 10 pairs of jeans (yes, 10, I counted the other day. What can I say? I travel light!) and I haven´t touched them once. The thought of something tight, sticking to my legs all day is enough to make me want to streak through the streets naked.

Lauren too, has been wearing dresses and shorts, mostly. It´s just too damn hot for anything else. No, we stick out because neither of us look like anyone else here. It´s a very homogenous city, everyone looks the same. Lauren and I have counted a total of 5 black people (and one was questionable) and absolutely no Asians, Indians, or, heaven forbid, Sri Lankans to speak of.

And there´s us. One, very white, one, very dark. Both rocking the curly hair (although mine, undoubtably, causes more of stir) Two girls, cracking up, chatting away in a foreign tongue, taking crazy pictures and generally causing mayhem wherever we go. Ya, we stick out alright. And that´s just fine by me.

1 comment:

  1. I´m just going to say, I loved this.

    Your travel companion,

