Monday, January 25, 2010

Aneya: Santiago: Make Out City!

I'm not even kidding. Everywhere you look, people are making out. Waiting for the bus, on the subway, rolling around the grass in the park, in restaurants, in line for the bathroom. It's insane! Screw Paris, Santiago is the real city of love! Latin Americans are known for being passionate people, but I wasn't expecting all this. It reminds me of Paris actually, where you will, undoubtedly, see couples kissing in the streets, the romanticism of the city of lights overtaking them. But that's Paris, that's what you're supposed to do there.

I can't imagine how unbelievably hot these people must be, after a makeout session in 90 degree heat! Ahh, mais, c'est l'amour, the heat does nothing to stop these people from showing their love. It's sweet, really.

People here are definitely more affectionate than Americans (not that that's hard. The only people less affectionate than us are the British) When greeting someone, it's traditional to kiss them once on the cheek (I've seen many guys doing this, which reminds me of the double "bisous" in France. I'm sure Americans would be horrified by the sight of this.)

Families here are also very affectionate, showering their children with hugs and kisses galore. The children here are all so beautiful, and well behaved. The parents seem to give their children plenty of freedom, and yet they don't seem to go too crazy (unless you count swimming in a fountain crazy. Which it kind of is.)

In any case, Santiago is a city filled with people just bursting to show their love for one another. And I kind of like that. (As long as both people are moderately attractive. Otherwise, get a room.)

- Aneya

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