Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Aneya & Lauren: Image.

Lauren: Reason No. 369 why I love Chile: People are super relaxed about their appearance. I really wasn't conscious of how self conscious I was in the United States, and I certainly wouldn't have said I was really into the way I looked, but daily mascara and occasional eyeliner were a must in LA because people in LA are so put together.

Aneya: I'm not gonna lie, the way I looked in LA was definitely something important to me. Not just because of the high standard of beauty there, but also because I'm girly and I like to look my best, whenever possible. Foundation, eyeliner, eye-shadow, mascara, lip gloss. These were daily things. And I mean, daily. I wouldn't venture to the supermarket without my made up face. And a perfectly coordinated outfit, of course. Part of the reason I did this is because women in LA look so damn perfect, it's hard to compete. But man, did I try.

Lauren: Here things like waking up two hours earlier to straighten your hair, or taking a few hours to do your makeup seems laughable. In Santiago there are so many more people with curly hair, and I think it's less to do with people in LA not having curly hair, but straightening it because they think it looks better.

Aneya: My hair's a different story. It has a life of it's own, and I would never even dream of taking two hours in the morning to straighten it. I do feel more at ease here though, the majority of women have dark, wavy/curly hair. But even in LA, I never really did that much to it. Except get those damn 80 dollar hair cuts.

Lauren: I rarely think about how fat I am or my crazy curly hair being strange here, because women have more unique styles than ladies in LA. There are things that are fashionable, like the fanny pack and gypsy pants, but it's not like if you don't wear them you're not cool. No one can care less what you look like. Those snarky looks people don't do here. I never really even thought of how into their appearance people are in LA, until I came here. Chileans are just way more accepting of how they look and they certainly don't care how another person dresses.

Aneya: Style and appearance here is definitely more of a personal choice than a "what's trendy now?" type of attitude, like in LA. I have seen women dressing very fashionably here, with full hair and makeup, but I've seen countless others wearing whatever the hell they want, and not caring what other people think. Those are the girls in those crazy gypsy pants, or the weird skirts or full body suits. Whatever. It's refreshing to see people being so original.

Lauren: Which isn't to say that we haven't gone all no bra/shaving/makeup crazy. We're going to come back and probably look exactly the same, but I'll admit I've probably worn mascara less than 10 times while here, and my skin is so happy I haven't been using any MAC Studio Fix (why did I wear that in the first place, again? To cover my freakishly freckled, blemished skin??Ha!) I'm just totally comfortable in how I look naturally.

Aneya: I'll admit, I still put mascara on just about every day. But that's it. None of my other make up rituals. I do nothing to my hair. I put on whatever's easiest. It's definitely a different mentality than in LA. There's no one to impress here. Now, you're not gonna see me walking around in my PJs (ahh the horror!) and I certainly still wear earrings every day. I like to look nice. But my beauty regimen has definitely gone down a notch. And I kind of like it.

-- Aneya & Lauren

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